Installing Couchdb on AWS Linux 2
From G30 Consultancy
AWS Linux 2 is inherited from Fedora/RHEL7/Centos but doesn't provide compatible Release version semantics. This means that the general Couchdb Apache instructions need adjusting.
This page uses [ Apache Couchdb binary installation]
- 1. Using the Centos installation instructions.
- 2. Create the `bintray-apache-couchdb-rpm.repo` file in the
/etc/yum.repos.d directory
- 3. Fill in the full path to the repository list rather than using the
Relver and Architecture macros.
- 1. \[bintray\--apache-couchdb-rpm\]
name=bintray\--apache-couchdb-rpm baseurl=<> gpgcheck=0 repo\_gpgcheck=0 enabled=1
- 4. Yum install after enabling epel
- 1. `sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y couchdb`
- 5. Continue with the Couchdb and configuration as normal